Saturday 29 August 2015

August 29th. Ten years on.

August 29th 2005 - Hurricane Katrina remembered.

As time goes on it doesn't make events any the less important or devastating but the mind filters out some of the really bad bits. Time heals because it shows things in a different light, mainly due to the perspective, the changes that have, maybe, come about and the individual reactions to the events that you see around you. 

Over the years I have posted in this blog and its 'parent' Wilko News about the Big Bastard that was Hurricane Katrina - ten years ago, today.

Today is the day chosen to remember the event but since Katrina was a mere baby tropical storm over a week before she had been causing havoc and for a few days after she continued to wreak chaos, death and devastation.

All I would really like you to do today is just pay a silent tribute to Mother Nature, the boss!! 
I know that there were an awful lot of things about Katrina, New Orleans, Louisiana that were down to human error but let's not forget for a moment that it was all brought about because of a natural phenomenon that nobody can control.

Here is a quick reminder of a few of the previous posts from this blog................
Click >>>>> HERE <<<<<< 

I have had the supreme pleasure of visiting New Orleans twice and the news is good! Recovery and improvement have been absolutely fantastic and of course it is mainly down to the strength, resilience, determination and ultimately the character of the people of this amazing city.

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