Friday 14 December 2012

Are you happy in the Summer or Winter?


Now as you know I don't usually question quotes, just post them and occasionally give credit where it's due.
This one for the record I am questioning! 
Almost every woman and a lot of men that has been in my life, yes including Mothers, Lovers and Sons have, being polite here, felt the cold! I have never found this a problem, but I don't feel the cold in the same way as them and even if we only look at that from a statistical viewpoint then more people feel the cold and adversely like the warmth.
Seasonally here in the Northern segment of this planetary orange, people prefer the warmer seasons!! (Canada being a slight exception to this!! However more Canadians go for 'Winter Sunshine Breaks' than any other nation so that equals it up, I guess!)
Thereby People are happier when it is Summer and yes they do notice whether it is Winter or Summer!! 

The above quote is even less credible when you consider who actually said it, Anton Chekhov!! 
Now I don't mean to be funny but if you come from a country where temperatures range from huge huge minuses in temperature to not very positive at all even in the height of summer temperatures then I don't think you are qualified to relate temperatures or seasons and what they are best known for, to happiness!! 

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