Thursday 17 November 2011

Horse name.......

Many of you already know that I have been known to back the odd horse. Odd being the operative word! I have also occasionally imparted information to you about horses that could win for you and have been known to get it right once or twice. To those who I know and am close to, friends and family, I do occasionally back horses on your behalf, may be your name or place or whatever and use all my friends to possibly even influence my choices. Personally I like horses with American connections, which of course there are many. I love the way horses are named, a lot of thought and effort goes in to the name and hats off and good luck to all those dear animals that carry 'ridiculous' names!! However in all my searching, looking and laughing at names, today I came across what I think is the best ever.. You can check it out it's running this evening at Kempton at 5.50, to be honest it's probably a bit of a donkey but it should be backed just for it's name.



Jules said...

That IS a totally cool name!!

SIMON said...

Yeah it so is, however on a more serious note - it can't run!!